XP-PEN Artist 15.6 Pro Graphics Drawing Tablet Monitor Pen Display for professional artists

xp-pen artist 15.6 pro tablet monitor











Imagine being able to create and capture the picture in your creative mind onto a screen with all the detail, colors and sharpness the same or even better.

Thanks to the Drawing Pad Monitor , it’s now a possibility. XP-Pen Artist Line is one of the most affordable Wacom Cintiq alternatives for those who want to draw directly & naturally on the screen.

The XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro features a 15.6 inch Full HD IPS Screen with 88% NTSC color gamut and 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution which allows the display to light up 16.7 millions color even more vividly.

Its IPS panels, applies the new mirror design with smooth and ease of movement, bringing in high definition and high brightness visual experience.

I have just bought this and it’s fine. the XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro drawing tablet monitor :

- has no parallax (or at least no detectable parallax)

- is fairly responsive (no lag) and pressure-sensitive (8-9000 levels I think) , battery-free device .

- has a tilt capability

- easy to set up and install

- has a nice surface that comes with a matte screen protector already affixed, so you do not need to buy a screen protector on your own - it's already there!

- is decently sized, neither too big, nor to small

- Very light, and it even comes with a tablet stand, so you may prop it up to about 20-degree angle I think...

- The Artist 15.6 Pro also uses less power and no power brick is needed as it can now be powered from a USB cord.

Simply connect Drawing Tablet to your Computers HAMI/USB port & use with your paint/drawing program on your computer! Works with all leading,Drawing,Graphics,Painting, 3D and office applications.

Moreover, the XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro is ultra thin and light so that you can carry it anywhere easily. it easily fits in your backpack or briefcase so that you can carry it to School or Work without having to look at an extra case.

I would say it is fairly dependable, and I do not mean it only with respect to that price range, but in a more general way. I recommend it.

I am using it mostly for touching up my ink drawings, so precision and line variation is very important for me. It has a decent color gamut, but that's already extensively covered in this thread.

artist 15.6 pro official site: https://www.xp-pen.com/product/65.html


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